If you already filled out a waiver
you don't need another one

Health Questionnaire & Waiver

High Road Gym Inc. urges you and all members to obtain a physical examination from a doctor before using any exercise equipment or participating in any exercise class.  All exercises, training, and/or instruction, including the use of weights and use of any and all machinery, equipment and apparatus designed for exercise shall be at the member’s sole risk.  Member understands that the agreement to use, or selection of exercise program, methods and types of equipment shall be member’s entire responsibility and High Road shall not be liable to member’s person or of the services facility and premises of the club.  The contracting of any illness at High Road shall also be at the member’s sole risk.  Member hereby holds High Road, its officers, owners, agents and employees harmless from claims which may be brought against them by member or on member’s behalf for any such injuries or claims.

Date:  03/31/2025 02:53 pm

How did you find out about High Road x

Please take a selfie for your gym profile x
** This must be a legible photo of yourself **

Signature: x